
Sam Khan: What Makes A Great Businessman

A good businessman is someone who has a certain set of skills that are needed to run a successful business. 

  • Leadership: They have the ability to lead their team and make decisions that will benefit the company.
  • Have the ability to negotiate with other parties in a way that benefits both parties.
  • The ability to communicate well with others is essential for business success.
  • Creativity is necessary for success because it helps you think outside the box and develop innovative ideas.
  • “Critical thinking is essential because it helps you solve problems” creatively and analytically.

Successful businessman, Samuel Kahn says, “they need to be good at what they do because it can help them build an empire”. 

If they don’t have the skillset or abilities, it can be very difficult for them to succeed as a business owner.

Planning ahead is a good idea if you want your business to thrive. It’s always important to have the necessary time for preparing for the future so that you’re ready to face whatever challenges may arise in the coming years.

Any company looking to be successful in the future should invest in a strong foundation for its structure. Doing so will help take care of any hazards that may befall it down the line.

“Planning is essential for entrepreneurs starting their own companies. Some tasks to consider are setting up a company website and social media account, developing a logo, and creating a marketing plan”, says Samuel Nathan Kahn.

The failure of a business can be hard on the economic system by causing unemployment and harming the supply chain.

Entrepreneurship is a great way to start your own business and knows what it takes to make it in this challenging economy.

Entrepreneurs share 5 key success factors.

  1. Motivation 
  2. The business idea
  3. Quality
  4. Knowledge
  5. Business plan”

“‘I started a business at the age of 13, selling watches to my friends at school, and that was it for me, I caught the bug,’ Owner of Claiming4U Sam Kahn said. ‘I ended up as a successful businessman in Manchester UK,’ he continued. ‘And opened up Claiming4U a regulated Claims Management Firm!'”

Starting a business without any money can be hard, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Anything is possible if you want it enough and don’t give up. 

When starting a new business, you typically need to purchase expensive equipment and other supplies before getting started. This can make the startup process quite costly, whether funding is secured or not.


Helping The Community Through Business By Sam Kahn

Sustainable enterprises are companies that have a positive impact on society and the environment. 

They can help improve the quality of life. Sustainable businesses are more profitable than their competitors because they create a better customer experience and build trust with the public.

There are many businesses that already have sustainability as their core value, such as Patagonia, Nike, and Apple. 

Young entrepreneurs are the ones that start their own businesses, and if you happen to be one yourself, you should know that supporting your local community is one of the best things you can do to help it grow. It’s also a great example for the younger generations.

Your company wouldn’t have been successful without the support of your customers, and your city won’t thrive without the help of its community.

Sam Kahn is the founder of Claiming4U who had a young idea that he developed for many years with many learning experiences on the way. He’s now become a very successful businessman.

When the people and businesses of your city work together and support each other, it creates a synergy that will make your city thrive.

Consider donating your time and resources to others in need. Doing so can improve your mental health and make you a more involved member of the community.

Your business can be a vehicle for connecting with employees and community needs.

You should lead by example and volunteer on your own. Encourage your team to volunteer too so that you can contribute together towards the betterment of the community.

If possible, provide paid time off for volunteering. It’s easier for staff to attend and contribute if they are being compensated and are given time in the day to do so.

Give your team a variety of options to choose from. People have their own interests, so it’s important that you offer a range of jobs and charities to make them feel welcome.

Those who make a personal effort to volunteer should be encouraged to do so.

Rewarding their continual hard work with a promotion, raise, or bonus will improve their work ethic. You can also send them personalised thank-you’s to show that you appreciate it and hold an appreciation day in the future.

Local businesses rely on their communities to thrive and reach out to new customers. They are also great for the economy and should be given more of a chance to succeed, which is why you should market them too.

If your own business is doing well, it’s important to help out other local businesses. This has a positive ripple effect on the community & is also good for your business, many brands state that they want to do this, but few go out of their way to actually do it.

Set yourself apart and promote local businesses by actively providing them with awareness and recognition.


Samuel Nathan Kahn on How To Set Attainable Business Goals

Samuel Nathan Kahn is no stranger to the trials and tribulations of trying to set attainable goals. Goals are an incredibly important part of running a successful business, and they can help you take control of the direction your business is headed. 


Sam Kahn runs a claims management company in Manchester, UK, and uses goals as a tool to motivate his employees and set targets to work towards.


They help give you a clear focus, and give you something to aspire to. 


However if your goals aren’t attainable, it can have the opposite effect. Your employees can end up feeling unmotivated, with a lower self esteem because they can’t achieve the tasks set out. 


Having a well defined, clear goal increases your chances of achieving those targets you are after. 


Samuel Kahn has a few tips to help you set better goals for yourself and your business. 

Setting Attainable Goals

Setting goals has been psychologically linked with higher motivation, self-esteem, self-confidence and autonomy. Research shows that there is a strong connection between goal-setting and success. 


In order to achieve this positive effect, it is shown that the best goals are ones that are attainable. 


There are a few key tips that can help you set more attainable goals. 


  • Your goals should be clearly defined, and not overly complicated
  • Establish both a short-term and long-term strategy 
  • You want to aim high, but still be achievable
  • Set goals that align with your business’ values and overall vision – you want your team to work together to achieve them 


Aim For Short and Long Term

Having both short term and long term goals is a great way to make sure that you still have attainable and achievable goals, while also allowing you to plan ahead for the future. 


You can have smaller weekly or monthly goals that are a bit easier to achieve. This can improve morale, and have your employees working together more frequently. 


When you achieve these goals, you can feel more confident and prepared to tackle the next goal on your list. 


Your longer term goals can help you stay on the right track, and make sure you don’t lose sight of what you want to achieve. 


By having both, your long term goals won’t feel like they’re looming over you. Instead of dreading not completing them, you can still feel fulfilled by completing your short term goals along the way. 


By using both, you are more likely to get the desired results. 

Set SMART goals

SMART goals was a term created by George Doran in 1981 as a part of a management research paper. 


It has become one of the most popular ways to set goals, due to its lasting effectiveness. 


Using this method can help you set the best goals: 


  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant) 
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivate) 
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable) 
  • Realistic (Relevant, reasonable, resourced, results-based)
  • Time bound (time-based, time limited, time-sensitive)


While this method isn’t entirely perfect, it is a great starting point for setting the best goals for your business. When you create goals, you can look at them from each of these steps to make sure that you are giving yourself the best chance of succeeding. 


Sam Kahn is a big believer in goal and objective setting. He has used similar strategies in his business to reach the success he has now. Setting goals as a team can be a great way to bond, and keep everyone on the same page. 


By working together to reach these goals, you can find other benefits for your business. If you want to read more of Sam Kahn’s thoughts, you can explore his website here.


Sam Kahn on Making Time For Family as a Business Owner

Sam Kahn is incredibly family and community oriented. He currently lives in Manchester, UK, and is well known in his area as a loving husband and a father of 10. 


He also owns and operates a claims management company. Combine that with trying to raise a family, and you have a lot on your plate. 


It can be incredibly difficult running a business, and raising a family, so when you are doing both you may end up burning out. 

Make time for family everyday

It’s important to make time for your family every single day. You may be thinking that’s impossible at first glance, but it’s going to help you balance things in the long run. 


Even if it’s just 30 minutes you set aside each day exclusively for your family, it can do you a world of wonder. 


You can set this time aside at dinner, breakfast or any time that works for you and your family. 

How to maximise family time

Sam Kahn believes that it’s important to make sure that you are spending quality time with your family, which is why he encourages his employees to prioritise their families. 


If they need to leave early to be with them, that’s okay, so long as they are prepared to prioritise work when it matters. 


To help you maximise your family time, here are some tips: 

  1. Schedule your work for when your family is busy

As a business owner, you should be able to be flexible with your work. Scheduling your work for when your family is also busy is a great way to make sure that you can line up.


  1. Block out time specifically for your family

Putting some boundaries in place in your schedule can go a long way in ensuring that your family time is honoured. Scheduling your family downtime can help you make sure that all of your tasks and responsibilities are completed before you go and enjoy some carefree time with your loved ones.


  1. Work smarter, not harder

By organising your time better, you can make sure that you have a schedule that allows you to be with your family when they need you.

Set Strong Agendas

As the business owner it is your responsibility to organise your workplace so that things flow smoothly, and your employees are on track to complete everything necessary within the day. 


Sam Kahn is a big believer in agenda’s, even if it means using a post-it note to write the agenda  on. Sam likes to follow the agenda so that he does not go over time and also covers everything that is needed in meetings.


“There is nothing worse than going into a meeting and having things you need to discuss, but you miss it all and talk about the snow,” Sam says. 


“When I start a meeting I tend to have my agenda in front of me and I take my watch off and put it in front of me. This keeps me on the ball and to the point.”

Sam believes it’s also important to follow up with your coworkers when it comes to these agendas. 


“There’s not much point to doing a production meeting if you are not going to follow everything up.” He says/ 


Sam Kahn believes that just following a clean agenda and doing the relevant follow-up should give you the basis to create, manage and achieve the success you want out of life. 


By setting a strong and clear agenda, you can better organise your day. It leaves you with more wiggle room for family time. 


If you want to read more of Sam Kahn’s thoughts, you can explore his website here.