Press Release

Samuel Nathan Kahn – Fit to run finance firm

Samuel Nathan Kahn, also known as Sam Kahn, is a Professional Regulated Claims Adjuster, for over ten years, and a successful Businessman from Manchester. In 2011, he was fined £1.1m by the Financial Services Authority (FSA), who was the regulator at the time, for inflating a company’s shares.

Kahn was restricted from acting as a director of a company, but this restriction ended in 2018.  

In April 2020, Sam Kahn became director of a new financial company where his focus is to help the people who have lost their money due to the misguidance of others. The company name is Karmen Funding Limited, which provides claims management services using the brand name Claiming4U. The company, which Kahn also owns, operates from above a Greek restaurant in Manchester. 

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) replaced the FSA back in 2013. The FCA register is used by professionals and individuals to ensure a person or a company is regulated and has been properly vetted. The register says that Samuel Nathan Kahn is ‘active’ on their records, and that Karmen Funding Limited has been ‘given permission to provide regulated products and services” since December 27th 2019.

There was nothing to stop Sam Kahn from setting up a new firm following the end of the term in 2018. Under the FCA “fit and proper” test, a person’s affairs must be shown to have been “conducted in an appropriate manner having regard to the interest of consumers and the integrity of the UK financial system”.

The FCA said: “We considered Mr Kahn’s history carefully when assessing Karmen Funding’s application for authorisation as a claims management company.”

“We noted that Mr Kahn was not prohibited from working in financial services by the FSA, and that the restriction stopping him from acting as a director of a company lapsed in 2018.”

Samuel Nathan Kahn, Manchester, and his team are hungry to get positive results- they don’t get paid unless their clients do, so you can be sure that he works hard on every single case. The more he achieves for his clients, the more his business can build- it’s a win-win.

According to Samuel Kahn, “the thrill, the ecstasy of seeing people receiving these payments make me happier than what I earn from it, to help people get back what they thought they lost forever is an amazing gift and let me assure you it does not come easy”. 

To find out more about Samuel Nathan Kahn and how he can support you, visit his website